
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Season Finale of "19 Kids and Counting"

Don't miss the season finale of "19 Kids and Counting!" Duggar Home Alone. As the mother of 19 kids, it is rare for Michelle Duggar to have much alone time, but when Jim Bob and the children travel to Big Sandy, Texas for the annual ATI Home School Conference, Michelle spends several days on her own. Is it possible to be lonely when a mother with this many kids gets some time off? Tune into TLC tonight at 9/8PM Central to find out!
Do you like alone time?


  1. Do I like time alone? no, no and NO!!

    When I am alone, I feel lonely! I maybe can tolerate being alone for a few hours, but I completely dislike being alone.

  2. Yes I love time alone. But really I want to know after tonights season finale, when will we see the Duggars again? I hope this is not the end. This is my favorite show!! Will it come on again in the fall season or when? Does anyone know?

  3. The show isn't ending is it? Hope not! please don't go away! we love you all.

  4. Alone time is always good. I guess not to much though. Will 19 kids and counting be back next season? hope so! when will little josie be coming back and home from the hospital?

  5. I treasure my time alone!

    I've always been worried about people who feel the need to surround themselves with people. How people equate being alone to being lonely is something best left to the mental health professionsls!

  6. I believe the show is on hiatus until August. There was a pop-up on the show about it.

    Regarding time alone? I think it's quite telling as to how secure a person is. I'm sure it's difficult to find time alone with such a large family, I'd think that would make it even more special.

  7. I do not like some time alone ... I always like being with people around me ...
    Hopefully not the end of 19 kids and counting, I love this show, is one of the best of TLC and is my favorite, I hope that the 5th season starts soon, I see Josie at home with his family, doing what they always do at his home in Springdale, Arkansas.

  8. Thank you Jenny! You are very right. I missed it the first time but saw it when I watched the show again.
    Thanks for reading!

  9. New episodes of "19 Kids and Counting" will be back in August, but tune into TLC for reruns. The Duggar family has starred in over 80 specials on TLC and Discovery since "14 Children and Pregnant Again" aired in 2004.

  10. I enjoy having time alone quite a bit, but I do like to spend time with my friends (I am 19). My dad retired in the last few months (which is good because my mom is quite ill) and my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer and it has been quite hard for me at times because I was used to having a couple of hours alone after school each day(ever since I was 10.5 years old) and that has disappeared. Now there is always someone home. I guess it depends on whether you are more introverted or extroverted and what you are used to. I think everyone needs a mix of alone and separate time, but the amounts of each vary from person to person.

  11. I like my alone time, but if they kids are gone for too long, I start to feel lonely and don't know what to do with myself!
    When I had my last baby and the kids were't allowed at the hospital due to H1N1 precautions, I actually cried the night I had to stay away from my other kids! The nurses thought I'd enjoy a night away, but really, I just wanted to be with my husband, new baby, and the rest of our kids!
    I went home early the next morning!

  12. As a fellow homeschooling and SAHM, I am a mom of 5. Youngest is now 9 weeks old, breastfed. Usually with me wherever I go but with this heat I have him stay home with daddy and the other 4 if I need my "starbuck hour", meaning time alone to do errands or go for a walk and feel refreshed and ready to serve my family again. Preventing burn outs. We live on the east coast where its extremely busy, constantly on the go. So these moments are needed until the Lord leads us to another state where it's more calm (IF...). Otherwise keep moving forward holding the Lords' hand for guidance is necessary!

  13. I guess being an only child, I find I enjoy quiet. But at the same time I get lonely very fast


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