
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mackynzie Had Her Ears Pierced!

What's new at the home of Josh and Anna??
Their daughter Mackynzie recently had her ears pierced! Josh was very excited, while Anna was a little uneasy.  They both agreed that it would be best to have the procedure done while she is too little to remember. Josh and his sisters took Mackynzie to the mall while Anna went to a different store so she wouldn't have to see her daughter upset. "She'll be fine in five minutes," Josh assured his wife, "It will be no problem."
It took a little more than five minutes to calm Mackynzie down, but everyone agrees that she looks adorable. Look for her pierced ears on Tuesday's episode of "19 Kids and Counting" on TLC.
What are your views about having an infant's ears pierced?


  1. Noone should have there baby's ears pierced. I think that is terrible to put a little one through.

  2. I had my ears pierced when I was 9 months old, and one of them got caught on a blanket and ripped, not all the way through, but I still have a large hole there now, I wish I didn't have. but I think it is up to the parent's to have them done when they want too, just be careful and keep an eye on them.

  3. Yay for mackenzie!!! she will look great. I think it's fine and up to every individual parent and person. I mean i know you all want people's opinions and thoughts but, the thing with that is that you get people giving off there strong opinions and coming across to the whole free world that if a person does that then they are horrible and abusive parents. I'm just saying! and i also say good for little mackenzie. there is noting wrong with it.

  4. What!!!! I am shocked to hear that they would that she only a baby.

  5. I had mine pierced when I was 6 months old and I do agree that it is better to do it when they are young and won't remember. My left ear had trouble staying open and I had it re-pierce a total of 5 times before it finally stayed. This last time was when I was a teen and because of the pain I never wanted to even get second holes pierced.

  6. I got my ears pierced when I was 6 months old. I don't have an issue with it at all. I wouldn't have it any other way because I don't remember the pain.

  7. i think the child should be able to make their own choice with ear peircing and not do it before they are at least 8 years old, similar to baptism, it has to be their own personal choice!

  8. sorry but I'm very surprised at them. Earrings in babies are *not* cute. Poor baby, all that crying for nothing!!!

  9. Strange... all the Duggar girls have pierced ears?
    My daughters had it done when they wanted to. Not as a baby!
    I did mine after 40, and it wasn't painfull!
    My mother did it at 74 years old! :-)

  10. i am shocked and dissapointed.i think a child should be able to decide for themslves. i think its crazy to put a baby through unescesary pain and possible infection. its just about the only thing the duggars have ever done that ive strongly disagreed with. anna should have stood her ground!

  11. Well, seeing as I don't have pierced ears, mainly because if i was to have that done to my daughter, i would want them to be taking care of it themselves if they get infections etc that are common with ear piercings. So, i would forgo it......
    My niece asking me to squeeze pus out her earlobe for her, kind of put me off earrings!

  12. I think Mackenzie is adorable with little pierced ears. This is a personal decision and I changed my mind after seeing so many babies and little girls with cute pierced earrings. I changed my mind about it. Iroinically, I was the one who voiced my opinion on other mom's to wait until the child asked to have her ears pierced.

    That all changed when I had my own baby girl of course. When I took our dd to her 8 week check up,the doctor asked during the visit if I was planning on getting her ears pierced. I said probably not for a while. But she started explaining that it would be really easy to do it now while she is so young and didn't have control of her hands. That way she wouldn't touch or pull on them. Since they would always be there-she wouldn't be too curious about them- it would just be apart of her.

    She gave me some suggestions for moms having their infants/little girls ears pierced. They made it a good experience for both of us.

    Our ped said if they cry, it is because of being restrained or the noise of the piercing instrument.

    If any moms are thinking about it, then your mommy intuition is telling you earlier is better and I would do you're own research and decide.

    Need more info? Write me an e-mail and I will send you our ped's suggestions for moms having their dd's ears pierced of any age.


  13. I have 3 daughters. One is 22 now and the other two are 6 & 7. When my 22 year-old was born, I knew I wanted her ears pierced, so I had it done when she was 8 weeks old. Unfortunately, because your ears are one of those body parts that continue to grow, her hole placement ended up really high on her ears. Not a Hugh problem, but it ruled out wearing any style of hoop earring.
    When my other girls were born, my feelings were different and I decided to wait until they asked to have it done. So far, they have no interest. My 7 year old asked me about it once and I told her that it was up to her--she promptly informed me that she would NEVER have that done because it looked painful! :-) I assured her that the pain was minor and very brief, but also let her know that no one would force her to have it done either.
    My 22 year old ended up taking out her earrings when she was around 14 and her holes closed up. She never had any desire to have them re-pierced until recently--but she still has not had it done.
    I do think it's something that should be between the parents and child-Mackynzie may do like my daughter at some point down the road, but then again, she may be very thankful that her parents did that for her already. That's between them.

  14. I don't believe in modifying my children's bodies without their permission. Putting holes in their ears is a permanent modification. I got my ears pierced when I was 2 because my mom was tired of me being called a boy. I still have the holes, even though I have not worn earrings in 10 years. Now it just looks like I forgot to wear earrings all the time.

    If my daughter wants her ears pierced and is old enough to completely care for them herself and understand the pain, then she's free to do so. I will not force that decision on her, though.

    I feel this way about all body modification, including a common surgery performed on baby boys.

  15. I adore the Duggar family and watch their show every week. Nothing they have ever done or said has EVER bothered me until I saw Mackenzie's ears pierced last night! This should have been her choice when she was old enough to make it! Shame on you, Josh! Follow your wife's heart in matters like this!

  16. Thanks for all the positive comments. My intent was not to judge Josh and Anna. I simply wanted to know your thoughts about having an infant's ears pierced. Sorry for the confusion.

  17. I would prefer to wait until a child is old enough to decide for herself.

    I like the idea of having that be a milestone she can look forward to ... "when you're ____ years old, you can get your ears pierced, if you want to."

    Since it's not a NECESSARY procedure, I see no reason to "get it out of the way before they're old enough to remember".


  18. I agree that it is a family decision. Any age has its positives and negatives. I had mine pierced at 4 yrs, and it was no big deal. I have heard before of people who had theirs pierced as babies, and as they grew the hole turned out to be too high. For my daughters, I'm going to let them choose when. My 5-yr-old isn't ready yet, but says she wants them pierced when she's 10. For her, it's a coming-of-age milestone that she's looking forward to.
    Also, if a child's ears keep getting infected, try hypoallergenic earrings. It took me 20 years to figure out that I'm allergic to nickel.

  19. Sweet web site, I hadn't noticed previously during my searches!
    Keep up the excellent work!

  20. Thanks for the encouragement! Glad you're enjoying the blog :)

  21. My daughter is about 2 weeks younger than McKenzie, and after seeing that they had pierced her ears it made me feel alot better about getting my daugher's done when she was 6 months old. I was 5 years old when I got mine pierced and I remember it as being a very painful experience. I am fairly sure my daughter will grow up to want her ears pierced, but she won't have to go through that pain then, and she will never remember it hurting her at 6 months old. My daughter barely cried for 5 minutes and has never once acted like she noticed they were there since. Anyway, so yay, good for Josh and Anna, miss Mackynzie looks adorable!

  22. I don't think babies should have their ears pierced. The ear size changes and the hole may not be even as the child grows. It is also potential for infection. I think it should be the child's decision when they are old enough. I think it is selfish and vain for the parents.

  23. I'd like to see the video where she got her ears pierced, anyone know where it is? Thanks!

  24. Hi duggarfan!

    You can watch Mackynzie have her ears pierced in this video:

    Lily and Ellie

  25. I was 7 when I had mine pierced and both of my girls will be 7 or 8 before they have theirs done - if they want to. I think it should be up to the child and not the parent.

  26. I had mine pierced at 6 years old after begging my mom to let me pierce them. To this day I remember nothing but pain! I will never get a second pair done! It terrorized me!

    I chose to pierce my daughter's ears at 6 months old so that she wouldn't be as traumatized as I was. She cried more when having immunizations! She is now almost 4 and I'm still glad that I did it young.

  27. I had mine done the first time when I was 4yrs old. The holes closed up and I was 9yrs old when they were done again. When I was 21 I got a second hole done. All 3times were my decision. Now I'm a mom of a 5yr old and even though I would love for her to have pierced ears, she's just not ready for it. She tells me that if God wanted her to have holes in her ears, he would have put them there :) I've told her the day she's ready, we will go that day, but she has to tell me.

  28. my parents said that my sister and i could get our ears pierced when we wanted.My sister got her ears peirced at 6 and I just got mine pierced at 14.Most girls had their ears pierced by 8.My best friend is not allowed to get her ears peirced until 21.My mom did not her ears peirced until 13 but her dad wanted her to wait until 16 but her mom convinced her to allow it

  29. @Anonymous
    Anonymous: I can't believe they did that to their precious little girl! The Bible tells women not to adorn themselves, it can't get much clearer than that.

  30. I think there is nothing wrong with getting a child's ears peirced when they are a baby, I think it's actually better, they don't remember it, and they look really cute. I remember getting my ears peirced when I was 7 I would have preferred getting mine done when I was that age, but, I guess that's your own conviction.

  31. I don't feel children should get their ears pierced until they are old enough to make that decision for themselves and be the one to take care of them. I thought the Duggars were conservative. So what now it is wrong to wear pants, but it is okay to permanently put holes in your body. What are tattoos next?

  32. I got my ears pierced on my 12th b-day. I really wanted to.

    @Anonymous {September 27.}
    The Hebrew women wore earrings.
    The Bible talks about moderation.
    The harlot wore immodest clothing, lots of face paint, and "lookee here at me" accessories. Make-up and other things are alright as long as they are done in moderation,and not to get attention.

  33. it doesnt say in the Bible that the Hebrews had their ears pierced, just that they wore earrings (the could have had some sort of clip on). It does however say that you should not mark or scar your body. Putting holes in your ears is a form of marking the body (and most if not all pagan religions have some sort of piercing or scarring rituals-God wanted the Hebrews to be different from the pagans so why would he have them pierce their ears?) I personally have piercings and tattoos from before i became a Christian and afterwards i took my piercings out (unfortunately getting rid of tattoos is alot more difficult). I am not judging them as i dont know their hearts, but to me it is a little misguided. I dont see why piercings is ok, when other forms of body modification are not (and if we are talking about all in moderation then could we say that a little tattoo is ok?, or what about having a pierced nose?) I just dont think it suits with the whole modesty thing... Still, i think they are a great family and i love the show :)

  34. @Anonymous

    And thus you show one of the many inconsistencies of the Bible (I doubt that the Hebrews had clip-ons).

  35. Do the Duggars not like the name Jacob? Even in middle names it is not used. It is a very nice and popular name. I am really surprised not one of their boys was named Jacob.

  36. I think it should be the child's choice. I have herd baby's crying because they got their ears pearced a half hour ago. It does not hurt as much when your older. Just the same I love yall!!

  37. We are no longer living under Old Testament restrictions for the Hebrews, peeps! If Christians want to pierce their ears, it's perfectly fine.

  38. I had my Ears pierced before I left the hospital, my daughter was about 4 months, her daughters had them done at 3 months the oldest and 2 months the youngest. My son's daughter was about 3 months. There is nothing wrong with babies having pierced ears, at that age they cannot touch their eats and they do not get infected. If you do not want to pierce your baby's ears, don't do it, it is as simple as that.

  39. Hey Lily and Ellie.

    Just wondering why the duggars pierce their ears when the Bible tells Christians NOT to pierce their bodies? The Duggars are always dressing modestly and have pure courting relationships so why do they pierce their bodies? In the Bible, only slaves were commanded by God to be pierce as a marking of their slavery. It's also symbolic of being a slave to sin....
    Think about it...


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