
Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Duggars Respond to Their Sons' Life-Saving Act of Kindness

What do parents Jim Bob and Michelle think about Josh and John's Life-Saving Act of Kindness?

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar teach their children to have a servant's heart and to put the needs of others above their own, so they were thrilled to hear that their oldest sons, Josh and John, helped to save Maddye Plascensia's life last week. Click here to read the full story from February 5th's post.
"I am so proud of my two oldest sons who responded so quickly in helping to save this little girl," commended Jim Bob Duggar. "You pour your life into your children, and it was so encouraging that they had such a quick response and were ready to help. They made a difference."
Maddye is recovering at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock, which is where Josie, the Duggar's 19th, is growing stronger in the NICU. Maddye had surgery and is doing better but still has a long road to recovery. The Duggar family met the family of Maddye Plascensia at the hospital. They are extremely grateful to Josh and John for helping to save their daughter's life.

Why were Josh and John so willing to help save Maddye Plascensia's life?

Josh and John do not believe that it was luck that put them in the right place at the right time. "I don't believe in coincidences," says Josh. "I think we were in the right place at the right time because God has a plan for Maddye's life. I'm glad we were there."
"I don't believe in coincidences. I believe in divine intervention," John also stated. "I believe God had us here at that time to help Maddye."

What do YOU think about Josh and John's life-saving act of kindness?


  1. I think that it's great that Josh and John were there to help that little girl! Hoping she will get well soon.

  2. I think they have been raised to treat others in a caring and respectful way. And for them to not do anything different than what they did would have been a suprise. Their parents should be proud!! I did a shout out to the boys on my blog as I am always so excited for positive press regarding christians!! God bless, Deb


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