
Monday, December 28, 2009

Discussion Question

Do you think that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar will have more children after Josie was born 3 months premature?


  1. I think that the Duggar family is VERY blessed by the Lord! The problem is that the "world" does not see that the Duggar's love children like the Lord does! The world places their trust is things that are not eternal! The amazing things about this family is that they know that! What a joy to live life valuing the really important things in life! If the Lord sees fit to bless them with more children, they will be deeply loved! ANd our world is a better place because of people like the Duggar's!

    Blessings to you all! And praying for your precious baby girl!

  2. Yes of course they will have more children.

  3. There is no saying that the problems with Josie's birth will happen again. My mother had the same problems and then went on to have two more babies. What would my life have been like without my two little sisters? I am sure the Duggars will want more.
    Angel in PA

  4. Michelle Duggar is getting older and her child bearing years are just about over. It is quite possible that Josie will be their last baby. I LOVE this family and I love the value system they have in place for themselves and their children. They are an excellent example to other parents. I do hope they will be blessed with more children if that is what is suppose to happen for them.


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