
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lawsuit Against Josh Duggar Dismissed

Josh and Anna Duggar in 2013
We have received a number of questions from readers regarding the lawsuit filed against Josh Duggar last year by a woman (the "Plaintiff") who claimed to have been assaulted by him and requested $500,000 in damages.

The details of the lawsuit are not family-friendly, so we will not be posting them to our blog, nor do we encourage our readers to research the matter.

In late January, the Plaintiff requested that the case by withdrawn "without prejudice," as she wanted to have the option to file a new complaint based on the same occurrences. Josh and his attorney refused the offer.

On Friday, both parties signed to allow the case to be dismissed "with prejudice," which means the Plaintiff cannot file another complaint based on the same occurrences. Likewise, Josh agreed not to request the Court to rule that the allegations made against him were false.

**To those who have accused TLC or the Duggar family of paying the Plaintiff off to dismiss the case, part of the agreement required the Plaintiff to agree that she "will bear her own costs and fees in this matter and that no one has or will pay her any money to resolve this matter."

Photo courtesy of TLC


  1. Ok people, it's over, let's be glad and
    Not post anything other than good wishes .

    1. I think so too!!!!!!!

    2. Time to move forward

    3. Unfortunately, it's not over. This doesn't dismiss the fact that he spent thousands of dollars of money that he could've give to the church, or used for his family, on websites that catered to people who want to cheat on their spouses. He has a beautiful, loving, caring wife that any man would do anything for, and all he did in his spare time was to look for ways to cheat on her. Just because this one person and this one lawsuit was proved false does nothing to recover his tarnished image. I really don't think you should post any more updates on Josh on this website. There are so many other family members that we never hear about that we're interested in. Please focus on them.

    4. Well--my concern is people are going to lose the big picture here. Her lying does not excuse Josh Duggar's behavior. He still committed adultery and admitted to a porn addiction. The damage has still been done to his marriage.

    5. Which is between Josh and his wife Anna and no one else!!!!!!!

    6. I totally agree. Hatin and commenting awful things doesn't help anything. Keep praying for them and let Anna move on in peace.

    7. Exactly, HIS marriage, none of our business, lets wish Anna and Josh and their children, the strength to overcome this ordeal. And for the rest of the world to stop being so judgemental, we are none of us perfet. It is for God and God alone to judge.

    8. Everyone has problems, there are many people suffering porn addiction and cheating on their spouses. TV shows actually glorify sex and adultery.
      Josh was tempted and failed. He needs prayers for healing and forgiveness from his sins. If it was a rock star like miley, he would be praised and followed like miley is.
      HIS Wife Has Chosen To Forgive, Maybe It Is Time YOU SHOULD Too and Pray FOR him

    9. Let God sort it out and tend to your business.

    10. Amen lets move on. Time to go forward.

    11. There are marriages that have gone through similar things as Josh and Anna's and survived with God at the head. It will be hard for them but not impossible.

    12. I don't think anyone is going to let Josh and Anna forget the "big picture". Ever. And the damage done to his marriage is only Anna's concern.

    13. Well Anonymous see that is the thing it isn't your concern. It is Anna's concern. THEIR MARRIAGE, THEIR BUSINESS and she will decide what is best for HER/THEIR family. It is between Anna, Josh & God.

    14. Damage has been done, but that is for them to work out. I hope and pray that they can work it out to the glory of God and for the good of their family.


    16. have not you heard that God has forgiven him so who are you to make a statement like this are you so wholey that you do no wrong letus let him get back to repairing his life and getvhis marrage back on track may God have mercy on you

    17. Nobody said that it excuses Josh Dugger's behavior, but there are some things we do not know. Has Josh sincerely repented and asked God to forgive him? If God forgives his sins, those sins are buried in the sea of God's forgetfulness. Unfortunately some people will never forget although all of us have sinned. (Let him that is without sin cast the first stone.) Also, we do not know whether or not he has asked for, and received, his wife's forgiveness. Whether or not, they will try to salvage their marriage is between the two of them.

    18. My concern is that people are worrying too much about the Duggers and not enough about themselves. Jesus said: "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone".

    19. Only is Anna can not forgive him. This is non of our business. Prayers Anna for your tough decision

    20. And God can mend what has been broken. Praise be to God!

    21. Good luck Duggar family

    22. But their marriage is for Anna and Josh to work on not everyone else....if she chooses to forgive and trust him again that is totally up to her not the public.....let THEM deal with their marriage!

    23. I think it is time everyone but out of their business this is between them and GOD. He has asked for forgiveness and GOD forgives. Let them get on with their lives. GOD BLESS you both and your family. Love and Prayers

    24. Good News! Now they can move forward, no, it doesn't excuse him but it's not good for our health to dwell on the negative forever!

    25. Have any of you ever heard of grace. God has given it to us so we in turn can give it to others. Josh and Anna have went through the mill and if she forgive him then we must let it be. All I know that its better nowbecause they are young than when they get 35 years into their marriage and this happen. I pray God bless them and give them Godly wisdom to do what is best for them and their family, I mean their children. I know I have hadto keep secrets from family members regarding a relationship, but God is good and He is a healer, so be it. Thank you very much

    26. Isn't that between Josh and Anna, and most of all God.

    27. since this is not your marriage it is not your place to judge this is between Josh and Anna and God.

    28. To the first Anonymous,

      Right, let's all stay willfully ignorant!!!

    29. Yes, he committed adultery and admitted to a porn addiction. You are correct in also stating that damage has been done to his marriage. But the fact still stands that despite the interest everybody has in the details of their family and marriage it is still a marriage between two flawed human beings and hopefully God. Anna is determined to allow God to heal their marriage and I think that we should all just let them be flawed and do what is best for their marriage and their family!

    30. It is theirs to work out. Let them be, and pray for them. Marriages have survived much worse, and trust me, they are not alone in this matter. Believers should pray for others, and forgive. God's mercy is new every morning, and so should ours be...

    31. Her lying? Whose lying? Charges can be dropped when a woman doesn't want her name dragged through the mud on television even if the accusations are true. There is no need to imagine she was lying. Almost all accusers, statistically, are telling the truth.

    32. I second that!!

    33. God is in the healing of life's. We are all sinners saved by Grace. Let no one boast least the trouble comes to your doorstep. We are commanded to love one another so let us pray for Josh and Anna and their marriage with those 4 little ones needing both of them. Divorce destroys families. Let us not let the enemy destroy them but to give them a new desire to love God and each other. So, Josh and Anna I am praying for you and your family May God apply the balm of Gilead to your marriage.

    34. She admitted she was lying.

    35. The porn star doesn't want her name drug through the mud. Lol

    36. Let's give it a rest!! If God and Anna can forgive Josh (not to mention the girls) then who are we to pass judgement? No one is perfect and we ALL have skeletons in our closet.

    37. Somehow I think in this situation, given the woman's occupation, she's probably not all that concerned about bad publicity.

    38. If you read other accounts of this story it is said that she accused him of doing this on a certain date in Philadelphia. It was confirmed that he was not anywhere near Philadelphia on that date. That is why the case was dropped. I'd love for every one to review their world. Please let us know if you have never sinned against your spouse. Also, in Gods eyes all sins are the same.

    39. Missouri Prayer WarriorFebruary 10, 2016 at 2:19 PM

      What goes around comes around.

    40. I think everybody just needs to drop it! It's old news....good grief how would you feel if you messed up and the whole world found out about it and just kept running it in the ground.???? To all the people that just can't seem to let old wounds heal, I wish you would. He's human! People mess up from time to time. No one is his judge but God. He will answer for what he's done so it's not any ones business to judge him or tell his wife what she should or shouldn't do. I respect her 100% for the way she is dealing with this situation. Be careful what you say because you reap what you sew.

    41. Really I know people talk when something big goes down like what josh has done. But really would each and everyone of you want every thing you've ever done written on a wall for everyone to see. Duh! Of course he wouldn't have admitted to adultery until the Madison acct came out. But whoever did this to him and dug till they found something to destroy him will pay for that just like he will answer for the way he's done. Drop it! It's old news! And no one is his judge but God!

    42. She was lying as the charges were dropped when it was proven he wasn't in the city that the accusations were taking place. It was obvious she lied.

    43. Yes , it's hard enough navigating our way through life . When we make mistakes we learn from them . That's life !!! They were just unlucky enough to be public figures .

    44. He who is without sin, cast the first stone.. If you can, you are deceiving yourself.. God forgives, God saves and God makes all things new when we trust Him to be God in our lives as Anna is doing.. Jesus, forgive us for how we behave before a dying lost world and let the light that is in the face of Jesus Christ, penetrate the darkness so others would know Jesus is the answer and the only true way to God..

    45. not true, I've know many accusers that were lying. She was a prostitute who didn't reveal anything until after everything came out.

    46. Well. I wasn't there and I certainly do not know what happened or what did not happen. I do know Josh is ripe for these kind of accusations right now. He made some mistakes, big ones. As have I. Not going to throw any stones his way. Looks like his family and his wife are working towards forgiveness and healing - which is a lesson we can all learn from. Forgiveness is freedom - learn from this everyone!

    47. I had already seen this on another website - which stated evidence was presented showing Josh was somewhere far removed at the time the plaintiff alleged the incident occurred. In other words, he could not be guilty because he was physically not present. The plaintiff did not want to drop the charges, but it was impossible to continue when it was clearly shown that the plaintiff had lied. While I agree with your statement that statistically almost all accusers in these situations are telling the truth, the plaintiff in this case, clearly has told at least a partial falsehood.

    48. I don't think what Josh has done will ever be forgotten. The family needs to get off television and out of the public eye for the sake of the children, especially Anna and Josh's children.

  2. How long will Josh be in rehab for?

  3. I have and will be praying for the whole Duggar family.

    1. Me too!!! I've been praying for Danica as well. May her heart and mind be open to The Lord so she can find a sense of oeace and comfort and start living her life for Him!

  4. Praise God! I agree with that comment.
    His Blessings,
    Sandy B.

  5. Good. I'm not a Josh fan after finding out he cheated on Anna but that lawsuit was a joke. If what she said was true she not only put herself in the situation once but twice. Learn from your mistakes people.

    1. Totally agree with you she's the one selling herself in the first place not that I'm defending Josh's act's but she should also be looked into for prostitution she's here trying to justify herself saying the money was given as a gift well I wonder how many gifts like that she's receives a week..

    2. I find this comment extremely dangerous and offensive. You should NEVER blame the victim, even in allegations not proven.

    3. If you put yourself in a situation twice and you know what's going to happen you have nobody to blame but yourself. Josh is still in the wrong but so is she.

    4. Yes, very true! She got paid and months later when she realized who he was apparently it wasn't enough!

  6. What a mess. Something that won't be cleaned up for years to come. Please heal yourself and your family.

  7. "Plaintiff" is a word used to indicate the person who files a lawsuit, it's not her name. ;)

  8. Finally some relief. Hallelujah!

    On another note, I believe that you mistakenly wrote 'with' instead of 'which' in the last paragraph.

    1. "With Prejudice" is the correct legal term. To learn it's meaning just Google it.

  9. Amen,its over, now can we all just please move on, the other family members deserve peace...don't ya think. LETS worry about our own house and be merry.Be a productive citizens and do for others, feels too good to be nice instead of negative trolling...peace to all☺

    1. AGREE!! AMEN! and AMEN! On with the show I miss the Duggar Family I have watched them from the beginning.God Bless♡

    2. I hope this chapter of the Duggar family can be closed and those involved can move on to a fresh new start. God is good at implimenting such things, especially when people realize their need of repentance, God's love and forgiveness, and the clean slate offered thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ. My prayer for the Duggars is that they all will learn to abide in Christ, stay close to the teachings of Scripture, and not of man.

    3. As long as the Duggars choose to do interviews, speaking engagements and continuously post to social media sites; they are the ones whom select to NOT be private or peaceful. I agree with you; they should step into their own private world and work out these problems how they see fit.

    4. That's what I would do. But if there's money involved... Then I guess it makes the decision more difficult for them.

  10. Did they pay her off?

    1. More than likely yes.

    2. No. She was caught lying, and both sides want it to go away.

    3. Probably not.....lets keep happy thoughts.

    4. Josh's lawyers said they hadn't in a statement, because her allegations were false since he could prove he was somewhere when the attacks happened

    5. no, the woman actually admitted she lied once she was presented with the proof. when i heard about the lawsuit, the first thing i noticed which didnt seem right was she said she didnt know josh was married, however, she met him through a site targeted for married people. i'm sure i wasnt the only one who noticed her inconsistency. i certainly hope this will be the end of for him.

    6. Evidence was presented to the judge showing that Josh was nowhere near the plaintiff at the time the plaintiff alleged the incident happened. So, No, the plaintiff isn't receiving compensation for anything. Case has been dismissed.

  11. Good to hear. I didn't feel her story held any water anyhow. I hope she also gets the help she needs.

  12. I'm glad the lawsuit is over. I think it will help them both move forward. I am curious though as to how much longer he will be in rehab. Seems like such a long time to be away from his kids.

    1. I'm wondering what they told the kids to explain Daddy's long absence. Someday, they'll be able to find out for themselves. Heartbreaking to find out that your parents lied to you at some point. Josh sure created a pickle for his whole family.

    2. He has been gone less than our military soldiers are gone from their children to serve and protect this country. Just sayin...

    3. At least if you're gong in the military, you can be honest with your kids about what you were doing. I doubt Josh can tell the truth to his kids, making this even more tragic.

    4. He did wrong to his own sisters. He has to stay there as long as it takes for him not to be a threat to his wife or daughters anymore. This kind of desease takes a long time and a lot of help to heal. Be patient.

  13. Thank god now they can get on with their life's they have been through enough god has kept them in and confronted them in this time and they have prevailed god bless you all you never gave up faith and that is outstanding god bless pastor alice

    1. God bless Danica too! May she repent and turn from her sinful ways! I'm keeping her in my prayers that she is able to leave the lifestyle she is in, gain done self respect , find Jesus and live to be an example to others that EVERYONE deserves a second chance. Even josh. There is still hope for him and still good things he can do in his life to serve others and The Lord.

    2. Maybe it was God who prevailed, if it taught Josh a lesson.

  14. We all sin. In God's eyes a sin is a sin is a sin. Time to move on!

    1. What do you mean?

    2. That this sin of infidelity, porn, etc. is the same sin as lying, cheating, stealing in the Lords eyes. Its people that put sins into different categories.

    3. It's still not our business. It's not our life or our marriage or our family. They never claimed to be perfect.

    4. He that knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

    5. I agree. We are all sinners and no I don't condone what Josh did, he isn't the first to cheat, etc. and he won't be the last. He's getting help, and how he and his family deal with it is their business. Not ours. I know it's hard, because they were a t-v reality show, but privacy is much needed in this matter. Let's all just say a prayer for them and not criticize. No one is perfect.

    6. I wish I could find my notes with the biblical references but my pastor from years ago said that a white lie and adultery are equally offensive to God.

    7. You can't just move on from something as awful as what Josh has done. Porn addiction is very difficult to overcome. He only " confessed" to cheating when the Ashley Maddison account was published for all to see--not out of a humble or contrite spirit. I think Josh has a lifetime of learning to be sly as Jessa called it--and getting away without any real consequences. Time will tell if he really is a changed man.

    8. Let's now sugar coat this. A White Lie ("Why no, those pants don't make you look fat!") and Adultery may be the same in God's eyes, but their ramifications here on earth are not the same.

    9. 1John 1:9(KJV) If we confess our sins,He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    10. I find the saying " a sin is a sin is a sin" to be a little simplistic.

    11. I agree with the anonymous that posted on feb 9 at 7.17 pm.

  15. ange who loves her LordFebruary 9, 2016 at 2:55 PM

    Am glad for the family buts lets not forget this man has brought our precious lords name into disrepute

  16. Glad to hear it. Prayers continue for you all. May God heap blessings on you, especially Josh and Anna. My heart hurts for them.

  17. God Bless You All . Just rust and obey. Hold on to a great life and it will be over soon with all the negative talk.

  18. It's sad and as Christians we should be praying for them all. Time is winding up and the devil knows he don't have much time to mess everyone's life up before The Lord comes back. They all are in my prayers. Hugs Duggar's

  19. Will there ever be a 19 Kids and Counting again?

  20. Praise God! An answered prayer, I'm sure. This family needs to heal; the less public this matter is, the better. I'm sure Anna doesn't need another thing to worry about amongst everything else she's already dealing with.

  21. All this proves is that he didn't assault her in this instance. It doesn't take away from the fact that he's a cheater and a fraud. I'm glad the lawsuit has been dropped though.

  22. Will he file a suit against her for making up those lies?

  23. I know this must be a hard time for all of you! But let's rejoice with what we can! Love your WHOLE family, and praying for you all.

  24. Praise God! What am answered prayer for their family! Josh and Anna need to heal privately and the last thing they need is another public invasion while they're trying to do that. I'm sure this is a huge weight lifted off for them.

  25. I am praying for your family. God can bring you through anything.

  26. With God there is unlimited forgiveness for he/she who repents. "Go and sin no more."

  27. Such a motion does eradicate Josh's behavior.
    What we want to learn is IF Josh is remorseful for his choices and wants to continue to be married to Anna.

  28. * does NOT eradicate
    Sorry for not proofing before sending!

  29. Please leave The Duggar family alone. They all need to move on in life and heal in there own way. We do not have the right to judge anyone. Yes we have the right to our own view points. What goes on in someone household stays there. God bless you all.

    1. Unfortunately the duggar family will not be left alone. As long as they continue the interviews, speaking engadgements and filming if the show there will ALWAYS be criticism , ALWAYS be difference of opinion and always someone out there trying to find more dirt. I do hope the duggar family steps away from the limelight for a while to heal privately. To let the younger kids have some normalcy for a bit without cameras in the home or having a film crew follow them around. The duggar need privacy right now and they won't ever get it unless they step away from fame and fortune. But money is the root of all evil, isn't it?

  30. Why would Josh not fight to have the allegations declared false against him? Sounds like he admitted guilt and settled outside if court

  31. God gives us all many chances in out lives. I think it's time to let Anna decide what she wants to do and realize that while this is bad behavior it isn't out of the norm for many these days. People in glass houses should not throw stones.

  32. I think trust will have to be earned again from her. She can forgive, but it's far harder to learn to trust.

  33. Josh made mistakes but this seems like someone was trying to benefit from this family tragedy. Sad that people think they can gain joy from others pain. I say this because if the claims were true she want her day in court. Josh hope you have seen the errors in your ways and Honor your family as God commands us

  34. In this situation, I fear that people will lose sight of the truth....Josh committed adultery and there is something truly wrong in their marriage. He still cared so little about his wife, that he sought out women to cheat with on websites. Also, please keep in mind that just because the charges were dropped doesn't mean it didn't happen.

  35. She did what she intended to do, which was drag the Duggar name through the mud and make the family look horrible. Truth be known he never laid a had on her. It's awful that people are so hungry for money that they will do anything for it. Which is why the bible says it's the root of all evil. I pray the Duggar family gets through all theses trial and tribulations soon. God bless them all.

  36. Awesome! Hopefully now they can all recover, move on, & get back on tv where they belong! :)

  37. I wonder how many of you are true christians...we are to help those who stumble..some of you seem to be a.bit.misguided....

    1. Are you implying that religions and beliefs other than "true Christian" are not as good? Do you think only Christians read the Internet?

  38. All sin is an offense against the holy God of the universe. All sin is equal in the eyes of God. All sin deserves separation from God for all eternity. We as humans "rank" sin and say one sin is worse than another. Yes, different sins will have different and more severe consequences here on earth. But ultimately every sin is equal because any sin separates us from God and breaks the relationship. Thankfully a Sovereign, Loving, Caring God chose to make a way through his Son to redeem us from our sin and allow us to be reconciled to him again. Thank you Jesus! Hope this helps you understand what Connie was saying.

  39. it's being reported that she was paid off that's why the case was dropped. Can you please shed some light on this?

  40. The First building block to a positive, faithful future! Continuing to pray for Anna, Josh, and the Duggar Family.

    1. Agreed. Just kind of wish they would keep their personal life out of the news. Not sure this is helping them or anyone else

  41. Replies
    1. It's not over. The abuse he put his family through will never be "over."

    2. So who was Josh unfaithful with? Is there another woman out there somewhere?

  42. It is sad this whole thing was always about money the person or person's was only after money nothing else, can they leave these people alone let them get on with their lives now...

    1. This woman was after getting publicity...not money. She has gotten exactly what she wanted...time to cut and run.

  43. I am so happy for Anna and the children. She has been through enough and the children deserve so much more than they have received from their dad. I love this family but will probably never feel the same about Josh. It's just how it is. Sorry but we ARE happy for Anna and the kids.

    1. Completely agree.

    2. I will feel the same about Josh if he keeps faithful. Give God the glory for working out Josh's salvation. Praise God He is good!

    3. Are the Dugger coming back to tv 19 kids and counting?

  44. The Duggar family has been in the public eye. The rest of us do not have a bunch of people trying to find dirt on us. The Lord said: "There is none good. No, not one." And all of us know darned well that we sin everyday. Sin is sin, to God. There is no better or worse sin. None of us are better than Josh, not in God's eyes. I think we all ought to be thankful that our daily sins are not broadcast to everyone.

  45. I am glad for the family's sake that this aspect of the situation has come to a close. I will continue to pray for all of you!

  46. I just want to clarify that 1. No, they did not pay her off. 2. She has reportedly stated that "she lied" about any encounter with Josh Duggar. 3. He has documents that prove he was not even in the same state as her as she reported that he was on 2 separate occasions. 4. Thus, she withdrew her case since she was lying.
    I personally feel that women that cry rape and then are found to be lying should be charged. Laws need to be changed.
    This just happened this week to a former sports player who was in prison for 6 years and now the accused rape victim recanted her story. The judge has now released him.
    This behavior from women discredits actual rape and abuse victims.
    Josh has his issues, but this isn't one of them.

    1. She didn't cry rape. She said it was consensual. Obviously that appears to be a lie. Unfortunately Josh put himself in a position that needed defending against such allegations. Both have lied--only Josh seems to have been given any grace or empathy on this blog. Doesn't she deserve as much forgiveness as Josh? After all I have read over and over on here he who is without sin cast the first stone.

  47. I am so happy for yall that the lawsuit was dismissed it must be a huge relief! Always remember to put God first in your life and trust Him no matter what( Proverbs3:5-6)

  48. Yes, the entire situation is a very sad one. But, when someone wants to take advantage of an already sad situation and lie to make money, it makes it all the more sad (and sick). They proved that Josh wasn't even in the town that this woman alleged the events took place in. She should be prosecuted. It doesn't minimize what Josh did, but he did not commit this crime. I am happy for Anna and the children.

  49. I love how the blessings pore in if you are a claimed Christian but we should all remember. God gave pity to those who were lost and needed to found. Why can we all leave everyone in the news alone and let them all have their space. If you claim Jesus name you better be ready to answer WHY when you doing something publicly wrong. They display their whole lives on TV. We should hold our fellow Christian accountable.

  50. May josh and Anna learn and be blessed in there marriage from this and bless others with there testimonys of real life issue. Love the Duggers and pray for healing and forgiveness to help there family.

  51. Prayers for the entire Duggar family as they work through this. Now let there be a time of healing.

  52. Don't expect this occurrence to be the last. There have been to many people hurt over all the bad choices Josh has made.
    Feel bad for the children.

  53. I read that she dropped the charges when evidence proved that Josh was not in the city where & when she alleged the assault took place. I'm not sure why this piece of info was not included in this post....unless it's not true.

    1. That's just hearsay, the proof has never been turned over. I bet it's true though.

  54. Not our place to judge someone of their sins.We do far better if we look at OUR OWN sins and learn to ask for forgiveness and turn away from those sins. I like the Duggar Families and support their way of life.Good luck Josh and Anna.We all live and learn.God bless us all

  55. Curious that the case was dismissed, that seems like a here nor there conclusion. But I am happy that a family can continue on the right path with closure behind them.

  56. This is a Blog to support the Duggars not try and distroy the Duggars or their faith. Don't cast a stone unless you yourself are sin-less. Clean out your own backyard before judging others... remember when pointing a finger at one there are 3 fingers pointing back at you...
    God Bless you and have a wonderful day.

    1. Who is trying to destroy the Duggars? Aren't some of them already doing a good enough job of that on their own?

  57. What people do not seem to get the concept of is it does not matter if he had an addiction or not! Do you actually realize how many men out there (religious or not) has a porn addiction??? Just because the are on tv does not make it more right or wrong... there are MANY CASES of drug addictions, abortions, people with tons of children etc out there. But let's just bash the celebrities because we have nothing else to do with our time k?? *shakes my head* I have always loved the duggars. Was always an entertaining show. I love the recipes you can catch there also. These allegations make me like them even more because it tells me they are just as normal as anyone else just 3 times the size..

  58. Praying for Gods continued blessings for your family

  59. I like the Duggars but I think it wasn't your place to try to tell us "not to do our research" that is just wrong and also gives non believers more ammo to say we're ignorant and blind followers. Think before you blog!

    1. Hi JustMe,

      You are more than welcome to research the matter further. We have received countless comments and emails from readers who come to our site so they can stay updated on the Duggars without being exposed to all the negativity and profanity that the main-stream media is often filled with. We are simply warning our readers that searching for more information on this issue will certainly bring up content that is anything but family-friendly.

      Lily and Ellie

  60. I'm not excusing Josh for everything that he did, but if his wife wants to save their marriage is her problem, it's easy to judge other people and point their mistakes, one question do we judge ourselves the same way? I know I have made tons of mistakes because I'm not perfect, in 19 years of marriage I've struggle, I've worked with our issues that doesn't mean that I have a horrible marriage, it simple say that we are humans and we make mistakes, whoever is free of sin throw the rock....

  61. As I recall it, there's only one perfect person that walked this earth. The rest of us ALL are sinners.

  62. What's sad is that this will never go away. For all we know even sweet little Jordyn may have trouble finding a husband one day because of Josh's choices.

  63. You know it is their marriage and what goes on in other marriages is just as bad, no one is excused from sin, but also it is free will and also their decision on what they want to do with all of this.. allot of the problem was being in Washington D.C. and all the corruption around him instead of family, peers let you see a different lifestyle and how to get by with it.. There is allot out there and temptation abounds, so no judgement here, allot is going on in your life but not publicized, so they just need to keep things lowkey and hope that he gets the help he does need and can overcome this, it won't be the last for any family their life is more out there to be judged..

    1. He started this charade before he even left for DC so copout.

    2. Yes--let's not blame the "world." The Ashley Maddison accounts were linked all the way to their Arkansas home. It's not someone else's fault he is unfaithful. His choices alone.

  64. Prayers for healing for your family. I pray for your family to continue the love and support you've shown Josh and Anna. I pray Josh is able to be help with his issues and strengthen his marriage.

    Thank you for the update.

  65. Who said anything about being over? Josh will be recovering for the rest of his life if he does the work but only time will tell.

  66. The saying ignorance is bliss seems to be true among many people on here. As a survivor of rape by my cousin.. I can tell you it isn't over. Speaking of his sisters now. ... I didn't even remember what happened to me until after my mother died. Probably because my cousin said he would kill my parents if I told them.. but my life was forever changed. I can't say I agree with Anna's decision to stay in the marriage. The risk is too great for those precious little girls.. and that is who I pray for.

  67. I say leave them be. Josh has been in rehab and the bible says "who that is WITHOUT SIN cast the first stone". So any of you who have never sinned keep on talking smack.

    1. It's not about being "with out sin". Of course we all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. But it's as one person said it is simplistic to say a sin is a sin is a sin. Josh has a clear history of sexual deviancy. His daughters protection should be of utmost importance and priority. That's not judging or unforgiveness. It's the plain truth.

  68. He who is without sin, let him/her cast the first stone!

  69. I have been praying for this family. I am glad it is over, now I will continue to pray for Josh and Anna. I want to see them back on TV. I would love to meet the family to let them know they are missed
    . Good luck and God Bless all of you.

  70. Y'all know this doesn't mean the event didn't happen, right????

    1. No, that's not what it means.

    2. Then what did Josh admit to when he said he was not faithful to his wife? He had the online accounts to meet women. His house in Ark. promptly changed title right after this came out. He disappeared for "rehab." Something happened somewhere. Someone knows something. Is another shoe going to drop?

  71. I feel terrible for Anna. I don't know if Josh will ever be "cured" because he came forward to his wife when he got caught, not because he felt remorse for his actions. I cringe to think how long this would have continued if he did not get caught.

    And I could never ever be intimate with the man that did unspeakable things with other women and broke vows in our marriage. I could never again be joyfully available to my husband because all I would be able to think of would be the other women and what he did with them.

    I really hope that Anna is 100% okay with her decisions. Forgiving because you want to and forgiving because you feel you have to are two different things.

  72. God is in the forgiveness business it's the nature of God he knows that man is going to sin but he will forgive if we ask with a humble heart. All those who are saying all the negative things should pray for this great family and not judge it is not our job it's Gods and he will restore when asked with a humble heart.

  73. ok people. josh has done wrong and he knows he has done wrong. he is getting the help he needs. the family has gone through a lot. now why can't we all leave them alone. I love this family. I loved watching there show. we all make mistakes, nobody is perfect. if you want to keep knocking them down, start looking in your own back yard. love you Dugger family and I mean all of you.

  74. To Anonymois #6- I am not remaining ignorant but what would you have me do? We know what Josh did- but isn't that an issue between he, Anna and God? Rehashing it over and over again in a public forum does not solve anything. Let them live their lives.

    1. If the publicity Josh got serves as a public warning for other men wanting to try the same thing, then it's good that it's out there.

  75. Yes,time to move on and post good things and encouragements to and for the whole Duggar Family! I love the Duggar Family!!!

  76. The Lord has seen you through so much. Cling to Jesus, especially when the seas are high and stormy!

  77. Good wishes to the Duggars

  78. Let's post happy things and forget about Josh.

    1. Yeah really. There are 18 other innocent siblings to post about.

    2. Really, its been almost a year now...lets move on and just enjoy the new show...again☺

  79. I find people on this blog equate common sense to mean unforgiveness. If Josh is truly repentant then of course his sins are forgiven. However, commen sense dictates he can not be assumed to be trusted. Anna and their children should never--ever--forget what Josh has done. That sets up a cycle of unaccountability and abuse. Forgiveness? Absolutely!! Accountability? I sure hope so.

  80. I wonder what Jesus was writing in the sand when the woman was neing accused of committing adultery. Maybe he was writing all the sins of those who was accusing her. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't thtow stones. I know there are rhings in my past that only my family knows. God has forgiven me. Jesus died on the cross to save me. If u have a spotless past go on with your attacks. I personally believe this is between the family josh and Jesus. How would u feel if your worst was brought up for the world to see. Jesus is about compassion how about we show some.

  81. I am so glad it's over and u guys can go abouts ur lives everyone makes mistakes as we learn from our mistakes that's why God created us to make mistakes learn from them and ask for forgiveness and I hope things are going well for joshs recovery and that things start looking up for Anna and Josh

  82. I've lost all respect for Josh. As far as the porn star is concerned, she's just as broken and messed-up as Josh. How empty her life must be. So Sad.

  83. It was evident this woman would come out with such lies. She starts with a dirty money business and plays for wanting more. I do pray she comes to Christ and see the damage she has done as well to Anna.

    1. That was uncalled and harsh. Don't forget Josh was playing in the same dirty money business while espousing Christian living. My heart breaks for Miss Dillion. What was so broken in her that she turned to that business? Didn't Jesus say there is more rejoicing in Heaven when one sinner repents ? She, too, is created in Gods image. I see two broken souls and a loving Savior going after both of them.

  84. Everyone and I do mean everyone has committed sin. None if us are perfect. So Josh made mistakes, who of us hasnt. He us doing what he has too in order to strengthen the family bonds and trusts he has broken. I don't condone what he did, but he is getting help which I do think us wonderful. The only one he has to seek forgiveness from
    Is our Lord and saviour, and that is going to be something Josh himself has to deal with. His wife Anna well, she needs to be commended for her strength and conviction. She will forgive in time.

    Don't you all think it is time to give this family time to heal and move on......I do. We all have skeletons of one kind of another. It's just sad there's has been so public. I say LET IT GO!

    As for the woman who lied, she too has to live with herself and the destruction she caused. I hope God can forgive her malicious behaviour?

    TLC needs to rethink their decisions as well. Bring them back I say.


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